Monday, November 23, 2009

Role Models

Perhaps I have said this earlier already, but I do not believe in "role models." That is, I do not believe anyone could really benefit from getting know people to whom one may strive, one day, to come close. Nor do I believe in the power of the will to emulate. This world is already so full of models, packages, and standards. They mislead more than they instruct.

But I suppose, but I guess - role models can do good, if you realize that your role models, whomever they may be, live inside you, not outside. They are the emanations of your dreams and anti-dreams, rather than the real people whom they really are. The same goes for "negative" role models, the people whom you wish you would never become. They, too, live in you.

I dislike adulation. Emulation, I view with suspicion. The real role models are never people, you see. They are always ideas and colors; sounds and music; postures and speech. Think about the commercial fashion "models." We rarely care about who they are in real life; we only care about the way they walk, and not even the way they look, to us.

Don't let personalities be your role models; look to their choreography, instead.

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