Monday, April 4, 2011

The Imperative to Rehearse

Talking to a wall: you know the wall will not respond to you. But first, you will need to know that it's a wall. The wall is an inanimate object, and as much as it could protect you, and as much as you might look at, caress, think about it all day and all night long, the wall will not reply to you, nor will it think of you in any way. But you know, too, that you are rehearsing when you find yourself in front of a wall. Right now, you may be talking to a wall, and only to a wall, but soon enough, you will be talking to live things and people, who will, in some way or another, respond to what you are saying and have said.

It is always both too early, and too late, to give up.


  1. I've found that sometimes talking to live beings can feel like talking to a wall. And sometimes talking to myself can feel like talking to a wall. That feeling that you get when your heart knows that you're wiser than that, but the mind won't listen...

    what does Compri mean Yoshi?


  2. Hi Danny! Yes, I also see a connection between one's mind not being able to listen and talking to a wall. But I guess, or am hoping, that it is possible to find, or at least seek, comfort in that soundless space.

    Compri originally comes from comparative literature, or comp lit (the l's and the r's blend into one another, almost seamlessly, on my linguistic turf), but I don't know myself where the Island comes from!
